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Bodega Pablo Fallabrino Soul Surfer Pet Nat 2023

Bodega Pablo Fallabrino Soul Surfer Pet Nat 2023
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Our price: £16.99
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Pet Nat is produced in the Methode Ancestral, the oldest way of making sparkling wines, where the wine is bottled prior to fully completing its first fermentation, allowing carbon dioxide to be produced by the natural sugars found in the grapes.

Pale lemon colour with very fine and elegant bubbles. Aromas and flavours of quince, yellow pears, yellow and red apples. In the palate has notes of rose petals, with a nice creamy buttery mouthfeel. Very delicious.

BLEND: 60% Aromatic Traminer, 30% Chardonnay, 10% Moscato Bianco

Unfiltered - no additives of any kind added

Suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians

13.5% ABV

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